Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide
1.0.0 - Review

Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

..0 Table of Contents
...1 Home
...2 Background
...3 How To Read
...4 Profile Categories
...5 Versioning
...6 Implementation
...7 Artifacts Summary
....7.1 AlcoholHistoryMn
....7.2 AllergyIntoleranceMn
....7.3 AmbulanceCaseNote
....7.4 AmbulanceEncounterMn
....7.5 AttachedSpecialRecord
....7.6 Blood transfusion
....7.7 BloodType-mn
....7.8 CapillaryRefillMn
....7.9 CardiovascularStatusMn
....7.10 ColorOfSkinMn
....7.11 ConditionMn
....7.12 DeviceMn
....7.13 DeviceUseStatementMn
....7.14 DiseaseMn
....7.15 DrugUseHistoryMn
....7.16 ElectronicPhysiciansOrderMn
....7.17 ElectronicReferralAppointmentMn
....7.18 ElectronicReferralMn
....7.19 Encounter-mn
....7.20 FamilyMemberHistoryMn
....7.21 FirstVisitMn
....7.22 GovernmentOrganizationMn
....7.23 HealthcareServiceMn
....7.24 HistoryOfPresentIllness
....7.25 ImagingReferralMn
....7.26 ImagingReportMn
....7.27 ImagingResultMn
....7.28 ImmunizationMn
....7.29 ContactDisease-mn
....7.30 ContactSkinRash-mn
....7.31 Inpatient discharge summary
....7.32 InpatientEncounterMn
....7.33 LabReferralMn
....7.34 LabReportMn
....7.35 LaboratoryResultMn
....7.36 LastMenstrualPeriod
....7.37 Location mn
....7.38 ManufacturerMn
....7.39 MeasurementMn
....7.40 MedicationAdministrationMn
....7.41 MedicationDispenseMn
....7.42 MedicationMn
....7.43 MedicationRequestMn
....7.44 MedicationStatementMn
....7.45 MenopauseStatus
....7.46 MuscleToneMn
....7.47 Observation (Generic)
....7.48 OrganizationDepartmentMn
....7.49 OrganizationMn
....7.50 Outpatient care summary / Consultation note
....7.51 OutpatientEncounterMn
....7.52 Pain anamnesis
....7.53 ConditionMn
....7.54 PatientMn
....7.55 Patient summary
....7.56 PhysicalExamNote
....7.57 PractitionerMn
....7.58 PractitionerRoleMn
....7.59 PregnancyExpectedDeliveryDate
....7.60 PregnancyOutcome
....7.61 PregnancyStatus
....7.62 PregnancyWeek
....7.63 ProcedureMn
....7.64 ProgressNoteMn
....7.65 RadialPulseMn
....7.66 Rehabilitation treatment
....7.67 Related person
....7.68 RespirationRhythmMn
....7.69 Booking schedule
....7.70 SlotMn
....7.71 SmokingMn
....7.72 SpecimenMn
....7.73 StatusOfAirwaysMn
....7.74 Surgical Procedure
....7.75 Trauma condition
....7.76 Treatment advice
....7.77 TriageMn
....7.78 VitalSignsMn
....7.79 AddressMn
....7.80 ContactPointMn
....7.81 HumanNameMn
....7.82 IdentifierMn
....7.83 Accreditation
....7.84 AccreditationIdentifier
....7.85 AccreditationIssuer
....7.86 AccreditationPeriod
....7.87 AccreditationType
....7.88 Activity outcome
....7.89 Adverse event
....7.90 Adverse event
....7.91 Adverse event occurred
....7.92 Adverse event severity
....7.93 Anaesthesia used
....7.94 Anesthesia Type
....7.95 Category details
....7.96 Clan name
....7.97 Completion date
....7.98 Consent for vaccination
....7.99 Creation date
....7.100 Date and time complete
....7.101 Disease category
....7.102 Causative agent of disease being vaccinated against
....7.103 Brand name of drug
....7.104 ExperiencedTrauma
....7.105 Consent from legal guardian for vaccination
....7.106 time when handover was performed
....7.107 person performing handover
....7.108 time when handover was requested
....7.109 Recommendation to patient
....7.110 Medication request type
....7.111 Medication used
....7.112 Medications
....7.113 Date of the next routine vaccination
....7.114 Organization outpatient service type
....7.115 Organization ownership
....7.116 Organization period
....7.117 Organization ward type
....7.118 Outpatient Encounter outcomes
....7.119 Outpatient Encounter visit type
....7.120 Patient age
....7.121 Patient ethnicity
....7.122 Occupation if the vaccination type is EPID - epidemiological vaccination
....7.123 PaymentInformation
....7.124 Person nationality
....7.125 Procedure type
....7.126 person responsible for patient after handover
....7.127 Related healthcare service
....7.128 ReportedToPolice
....7.129 Subdistrict
....7.130 Price of a single unit
....7.131 Type of vaccination performed
....7.132 Concentration of vaccine given
....7.133 Vaccine serial number
....7.134 ASRTypes
....7.135 AbnormalResultValueSet.
....7.136 Anesthesia Types
....7.137 Blood transfusion outcome value set.
....7.138 Blood types. Derived from LOINC
....7.139 DischargeDisposition
....7.140 DiseaseCategory Value Set.
....7.141 District Value Set.
....7.142 Statuses for e-referral appointments
....7.143 Statuses for e-referrals
....7.144 Categories for e-referral
....7.145 Ethnicity Value Set.
....7.146 Expected delivery date method.
....7.147 Imaging procedures
....7.148 Imaging report categories
....7.149 Inpatient encounter outcome value set.
....7.150 Inpatient encounter type value set.
....7.151 LabReferralCategory
....7.152 Menopause value set.
....7.153 Modes of arrival
....7.154 OutpatientEncounterOutcome Value Set.
....7.155 OutpatientEncounterServiceType Value Set.
....7.156 OutpatientEncounterVisitTypes Value Set.
....7.157 Pain Chronicity.
....7.158 Patient occupations
....7.159 Pregnancy outcomes.
....7.160 Pregnancy status value set.
....7.161 PrescriptionStatus
....7.162 PrescriptionType Value Set.
....7.163 Smoking history Value Set.
....7.164 State Value Set.
....7.165 Subdistrict Value Set.
....7.166 Triage Value Set.
....7.167 Vaccination reasons
....7.168 Vaccination types
....7.169 Wong-Baker FACES pain scale value set
....7.170 ASR Types.
....7.171 Abnormal result indicator.
....7.172 discharge disposition.
....7.173 DiseaseCategory Code System.
....7.174 Districts Code System.
....7.175 Categories for e-referral
....7.176 Ethnicity Code System.
....7.177 lab referral category Code System.
....7.178 Mongolian Ministry of Health.
....7.179 mode of arrival.
....7.180 OutpatientEncounterOutcome.
....7.181 OutpatientEncounterServiceType.
....7.182 OutpatientEncounterVisitTypes.
....7.183 Patient occupations
....7.184 PrescriptionType.
....7.185 States Code System.
....7.186 Subdistrict Code System.
....7.187 Triage levels.
....7.188 Vaccination reasons
....7.189 Vaccination types
....7.190 Wong-Baker FACES pain scale.
....7.191 Example of address
....7.192 Example of Government organization
....7.193 Example of human name
....7.194 Example of organization department
....7.195 Example of Organization
....7.196 Example of patient
....7.197 Example of practitioner
....7.198 Example of practitioner role