Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide
1.0.0 - Review

Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

AlcoholHistoryMn Recording of history of alcohol Average daily alcohol intake for a patient. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), a standard drink is equal to 14.0 grams of pure alcohol. This is a specialization of the observation profile.
AllergyIntoleranceMn Localized AllergyIntolerance resource.
AmbulanceCaseNote Documentation of an ambulance medical encounter. This documentation covers examinations, findings, treatment decisions and information about discharge from ambulance care to home, another healthcare provider or other destination.
AmbulanceEncounterMn A specialized encounter resource focused on ambulance care. Used in the Ambulance case note composition resource profile.
AttachedSpecialRecord Resource for handling defined, non-structured data. For each type of ASR that is to be handled in the system, a new named profile should be created, inherited from this, with a pre-defined asr-type value.
Blood transfusion
CapillaryRefillMn Capillary refill [Time] of Nail bed
CardiovascularStatusMn Cardiovascular function
ColorOfSkinMn Color of Skin
ConditionMn Localized Condition resource.
DeviceMn A medical or non-medical manufactured item that is used in the healthcare process without being changed through the activity.
DeviceUseStatementMn Documents a device that has been implanted in a patient.
DiseaseMn ConditionMn extended with diseaseCategory, a high-level categorization utilized in summaries.
DrugUseHistoryMn Recording of history of drug use
ElectronicPhysiciansOrderMn A variant of the ElectronicReferralMn profile that includes a list of available health care services for the performer of the service. Not recommended for general usage since following the set workflow pattern is the correct method of communicating referrals.
ElectronicReferralAppointmentMn Appointment for the purpose of fulfilling services stated in an electronic referral. Typically booked by the requester of the referral at the time of referral.
ElectronicReferralMn A profile used for communicating a request for a medical service by a medical professional within the same, or another organization. Sending a resource conforming to this profile has a special significance to the HIEP which holds responsibility for finalizing an order with the defined performer of the service.
Encounter-mn Localized encounter resource. Changes restricted to defining mandatory elements and ensuring references point to localized versions of resource profiles.
FirstVisitMn Record of first visit
GovernmentOrganizationMn A government organization that is not a direct provider of medical data or medical services. Is relevant for usage when reference is needed to issuer of identifier or similar cases.
HealthcareServiceMn Used to describe which services are available at a healthcare provider. This list is expected to be requested by the requester of an electronic referral in order to find a suitable recipient of a referral.
ImagingReferralMn A profile used for communicating a request for a diagnostic imaging service by a medical professional within the same, or another organization. Sending a resource conforming to this profile has a special significance to the HIEP which holds responsibility for finalizing an order with the defined performer of the service.
ImagingReportMn Findings and interpretations of imaging based diagnostic tests performed on a patient.
ImagingResultMn A single observation within an imaging report which may or may not be significant by itself.
ImmunizationMn Documentation about a medical encounter where an immunization is performed as a singular occurrence or a part of a series.
Inpatient discharge summary Documentation of medical treatment of a patient during a period of hospitalization. It is a summary of examination, findings, treatment decisions and plan of treatment and referrals for the patient.
InpatientEncounterMn A specialized encounter resource focused on inpatient care. Used in the Inpatient discharge composition resource profile.
LabReferralMn A profile used for communicating a request for a diagnostic laboratory service by a medical professional within the same, or another organization. Sending a resource conforming to this profile has a special significance to the HIEP which holds responsibility for finalizing an order with the defined performer of the service.
LabReportMn A set of information on findings and interpretations of laboratory based diagnostic tests performed on a patient that is typically provided by a diagnostic service when investigations are complete.
LaboratoryResultMn Atomic result within a LabReport which may or may not be significant by itself.
LastMenstrualPeriod Date of last menstrual period
Location mn The location resource profile represents a location where healthcare is or can be performed, whether incidental or dedicated, formally appointed. This can be a private, public, mobile or fixed location. It can also vary in size, from a storage box to a hospital building. The main differences between the localized resource profile and the base FHIR profile is in exclusion of elements not relevant to local usage and the allowed profile for resources referred to by the managingOrganization element.
ManufacturerMn The manufacturer profile is a constraint on the Organization base profile to represent the manufacturer of a medical product
MeasurementMn Anthropometric measurement
MedicationAdministrationMn A representation of a administration of medication to an inpatient.
MedicationDispenseMn A representation of a dispensation of medication to a patient typically through a pharmacy.
MedicationMn Identifies and defines a medication for the purposes of prescribing and dispensing.
MedicationRequestMn A representation of a request or an order for dispensation of medication to a patient sent from one actor, usually a practitioner, to another, typically a pharmacy. It can be used across both inpatient and outpatient settings.
MedicationStatementMn Record of medication being taken by a patient
MenopauseStatus Specialized observation resource profile describing the menopause status of a female patient. Contents of resources are restricted to a value set with values derived from SNOMED.
MuscleToneMn Physical findings of muscle tone
Observation (Generic) Profile representing an observation that does not fit in a more specific resource.
OrganizationDepartmentMn Department within a healthcare providing organization in Mongolia. Departments and organizations form a hierarchy by utilizing the partOf element that points to an organizational unit higher up in the hierarchy.
OrganizationMn Health care providing organization in Mongolia. The resources following this profile represent the top unit in a given organization.
Outpatient care summary / Consultation note The Outpatient care summary represents an encounter with a medical professional which does not involve hospitalization. This document details examination, findings, treatment decisions and plan of treatment for the patient.
OutpatientEncounterMn Specialized encounter resource for outpatient visits.
Pain anamnesis Patient described pain
ConditionMn Resource for tracking past, resolved, conditions.
PatientMn Patient in the Mongolian health care system derived from the Patient base resource. There are numerous deviations and extensions compared to the base profile, among others slicing has been applied to the identifier element to provide for fixed naming of the relevant systems of identification for the mongolian population, ethnicity and nationality.
Patient summary A composition representing a comprehensive overview of the patient's condition. This summary includes alerts and adverse events, current medical problems, history of medical problems, medication summary as well as other findings and observations.
PhysicalExamNote Physical examination note
PractitionerMn A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare. Could for example be a doctor or pharmacist.
PractitionerRoleMn The practitioner role resource represents a specific set of specialities that a practitioner may perform at a specific organisation.
PregnancyExpectedDeliveryDate Specialized observation resource profile stating expected date of delivery for a pregnant patient
PregnancyOutcome Specialized observation resource profile recording historic outcome of pregnancies
PregnancyStatus Specialized observation resource profile describing whether a patient is pregnant.
PregnancyWeek Specialized observation resource profile stating in which week of pregnancy the patient is at time of recording.
ProcedureMn Profile representing a procedure that does not fit in a more specific resource.
ProgressNoteMn Progress note / Physician note
RadialPulseMn Radial pulse
Rehabilitation treatment
Related person A representation of a person which is not a patient, but a person related to a patient in some way and is not the target of healthcare nor has a responsibility in the care process.
RespirationRhythmMn Respiration rhythm
Booking schedule A container for time slots that may be available for booking appointments for electronic referrals.
SlotMn A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments for electronic referrals.
SmokingMn Specialized observation resource profile recording of history of smoking
SpecimenMn Documents a specimen used for testing purposes. Referred to from LabReferralMn and LabReportMn.
StatusOfAirwaysMn Airway status
Surgical Procedure Profile representing a surgical procedure.
Trauma condition Used to describe occurrance, or abscence of accurrance of a traumatic condition. Mainly utilized in context of emergency care note.
Treatment advice Communication of suggested treatment for a patient related to one or more diagnosis.
TriageMn Triage
VitalSignsMn Vital sign panel

Structures: Data Type Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR data types that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

AddressMn Address conforming to Mongolian administrative area divisions of state, district and subdistrict. Pay attention to the fact that the city element should not be used when representing addresses for Mongolia in FHIR.
ContactPointMn A contact point describes means of contacting a person. This could be a phone number, an e-mail address, pager or similar. The mongolian profile for a contact point mainly handles excluding data that is deemed to be unnecessary to support administrative duties and national specifications.
HumanNameMn The format of a name differs quite significantly between, and sometimes even within, countries. The basic FHIR data type for this is HumanName, which delivers a generic and flexible way of expressing names with the option of specializing the structure for local demands. The mongolian profile for HumanName allows for tracking clan name separate from family name.
IdentifierMn Identifier conforming to Mongolian e-health standards.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types that need to be complied with by conformant implementations

Activity outcome
Adverse event
Adverse event
Adverse event occurred
Adverse event severity
Anaesthesia used
Anesthesia Type
Category details
Clan name
Completion date
Consent for vaccination
Creation date
Date and time complete
Disease category
Causative agent of disease being vaccinated against
Brand name of drug
Consent from legal guardian for vaccination
time when handover was performed
person performing handover
time when handover was requested
Recommendation to patient
Medication request type
Medication used
Date of the next routine vaccination
Organization outpatient service type
Organization ownership
Organization period
Organization ward type
Outpatient Encounter outcomes
Outpatient Encounter visit type
Patient age
Patient ethnicity
Occupation if the vaccination type is EPID - epidemiological vaccination
Person nationality
Procedure type
person responsible for patient after handover
Related healthcare service
Price of a single unit
Type of vaccination performed
Concentration of vaccine given
Vaccine serial number

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming with this implementation guide

Anesthesia Types
Blood transfusion outcome value set.
Blood types. Derived from LOINC
DiseaseCategory Value Set. The value set contains categories by which diseases can be classified.
District Value Set. List of districts.
Statuses for e-referral appointments
Statuses for e-referrals
Categories for e-referral
Ethnicity Value Set. List of ethnicities.
Expected delivery date method. Method of calculate expected delivery date.
Imaging procedures
Imaging report categories
Inpatient encounter outcome value set.
Inpatient encounter type value set.
Menopause value set.
Modes of arrival
OutpatientEncounterOutcome Value Set. List of outcomes for outpatient encounters.
OutpatientEncounterServiceType Value Set. List of encounter service types.
OutpatientEncounterVisitTypes Value Set. List of encounter visit types.
Pain Chronicity.
Patient occupations
Pregnancy outcomes.
Pregnancy status value set.
PrescriptionStatus List of prescription status types.
PrescriptionType Value Set. List of prescription types.
Smoking history Value Set. Codes for defining history of smoking.
State Value Set. List of provinces (aimag) and the capital city
Subdistrict Value Set. List of existing khroo and bagh.
Triage Value Set. Codes for defining triage levels.
Vaccination reasons
Vaccination types
Wong-Baker FACES pain scale value set

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming with this implementation guide

ASR Types.
Abnormal result indicator.
discharge disposition. Codes from Эрүүл мэндийн бүртгэлийн маягт СТ-32а - Яаралтай тусламжийн хуудас /насанд хүрэгчид/
DiseaseCategory Code System. List of Disease categories.
Districts Code System. List municipal district (soum) and a districts of capital city (düüreg)
Categories for e-referral
Ethnicity Code System. List of ethnicities.
lab referral category Code System.
Mongolian Ministry of Health.
mode of arrival.
OutpatientEncounterOutcome. List of outcomes for outpatient encounters.
OutpatientEncounterServiceType. List of encounter service types.
OutpatientEncounterVisitTypes. List of encounter visit types.
Patient occupations
PrescriptionType. List of prescription types.
States Code System. List of provinces (aimag) and the capital city
Subdistrict Code System. List of existing khroo and bagh.
Triage levels.
Vaccination reasons
Vaccination types
Wong-Baker FACES pain scale.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like

Example of address Example of address
Example of Government organization Example of Government organization
Example of human name Example of human name
Example of organization department Example of organization department
Example of Organization Example of Organization
Example of patient Example of patient
Example of practitioner Example of practitioner
Example of practitioner role Example of practitioner role