Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide
1.0.0 - Review

Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

StructureDefinition: MedicationDispenseMn - Mappings

Mappings for the Profile.

Mappings for Workflow Pattern (

   medication[x] (medicationReference)Event.code

Mappings for RIM Mapping (

MedicationDispenseEntity. Role, or Act, Supply[moodCode=EVN]
   extension (creationDate)N/A
   extension (unitPrice)N/A
   extension (paymentInformation)N/A
      extension (totalPrice)n/a
         value[x] (valueMoney)N/A
      extension (paidByPatient)n/a
         value[x] (valueMoney)N/A
      extension (paidByInsuranceFund)n/a
         value[x] (valueMoney)N/A
   medication[x] (medicationReference).participation[typeCode=PRD].role
   supportingInformation.outboundRelationship[typeCode=PERT].target[A_SupportingClinicalStatement CMET minimal with many different choices of classCodes(ORG, ENC, PROC, SPLY, SBADM, OBS) and each of the act class codes draws from one or more of the following moodCodes (EVN, DEF, INT PRMS, RQO, PRP, APT, ARQ, GOL)]
   dosageInstruction.outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=SBADM, moodCode=INT]

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (

   medication[x] (medicationReference)FiveWs.what[x]
   subjectFiveWs.subject[x], FiveWs.subject

Mappings for V3 Pharmacy Dispense RMIM (

   medication[x] (medicationReference)CombinedMedicationRequest.component1.AdministrationRequest.consumable

Mappings for HL7 v2 Mapping (

   medication[x]RXD-2-Dispense/Give Code
   medication[x] (medicationReference)RXD-2-Dispense/Give Code
   subjectPID-3-Patient ID List
   authorizingPrescriptionORC-2 Placer Order Number
   quantityRXD-4-Actual Dispense Amount / RXD-5.1-Actual Dispense Units.code / RXD-5.3-Actual Dispense of coding system
   daysSupplyTQ1.6 Timing/Quantity Segment Service Duration. Prior to v2.5, ORC.7.3 Common Order Segment / Quantity/Timing / Duration component. This is a formatted string, first character for the time unit (e.g., D=days), followed by the value. For example, “D14” represents “14 days supply” From v2.5 on, TQ1.6 Timing/Quantity Segment / Service Duration. This is a CQ data type (<Quantity (NM)> ^ <Units (CWE)>), thus for days supply, assuming the unit of measure is “days”, the numeric value is TQ1.6.1 (…|14^ For backwards compatibility, ORC.7 was permitted through v2.6. Both forms (field and segment) may be present in v2.5, v2.5.1, and v2.6
   whenHandedOverRXD-3-Date/Time Dispensed

Mappings for Structural elements of e-prescription data (

MedicationDispense5 Эм олгосон тухай мэдээлэл
   extension (creationDate)5.2 Эм олгосон он сар өдөр
   extension (unitPrice)6.11
   extension (paymentInformation)6.12
      extension (totalPrice)6.12.1
      extension (paidByPatient)6.12.3
      extension (paidByInsuranceFund)6.12.2
   medication[x] (medicationReference)6 Жороор олгосон эмийн бүртгэл
      actor7 Жор баригчийн мэдээлэл
   authorizingPrescription5.1 Жорын ялган таних дугаар
   quantity6.10 Нийт тоо ширхэг
   daysSupply6.9 Хоног
   whenHandedOver5.3 Тухайн маягтыг бөглөж дууссан он сар өдөр, цаг минут
      patientInstruction6.13 Үйлчлүүлэгчид өгсөн зөвлөмж