Монгол Улсын ЭМӨМТ Хэрэгжүүлэлтийн Удирдамж
1.0.0 - Хянах

Монгол Улсын ЭМӨМТ Хэрэгжүүлэлтийн Удирдамж - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

БүтцийнТодорхойлолт: ХуваарьМн - Дүйцүүлэлт

Профайлын дүйцүүлэлт.

RIM дүйцүүлэлт--ийн буулгалт (

ScheduleEntity. Role, or Act, n/a

iКалендар-ийн буулгалт (

ScheduleBEGIN:VFREEBUSY ??? END:VFREEBUSY (If your fhir server provides this information via calDAV, then you may want to include addressing information in a URL section, and with the search, a DTSTART and DTEND component can be included to indicate the range of time that has been covered in the collection of slots, where these overlap the resources period values. For all slots that reference this resource, include a FREEBUSY row for each slot)
   serviceTypen/a This can be populated with a value from the referenced resource

FiveWs Загвар Дүйцүүлэлт-ийн буулгалт (

   actorFiveWs.subject[x], FiveWs.subject