Монгол Улсын ЭМӨМТ Хэрэгжүүлэлтийн Удирдамж
1.0.0 - Хянах

Монгол Улсын ЭМӨМТ Хэрэгжүүлэлтийн Удирдамж - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions


When treating patients, historic and current data is a vital part in making decisions concerning medication and treatment options. Routinely medical history is taken from the patient. While this is an important step of the patient – medical professional interaction, the data is often incomplete, especially when it comes to details such as test values and medications.

In some patient interactions, communication with the patient is not an option.

This presses the need for tracking and exchanging historic data that has been ascertained in previous interactions with the patient.

The organization of healthcare in Mongolia is complex with over 500 primary care facilities, 70 hospitals, urban and rural, and well over 1200 private health care establishments.

On a national level, healthcare data transparency is critical to decide upon and follow up on health goals, collaboration in health care as well as measuring healthcare outcomes.

Current situation and motivation

According to the Report on Feasibility study by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the E-Health Project Mongolia, the current situation of information technology and medical equipment of health care facilities, primary health care units and referral level hospitals are most commonly using E-Health application,, early detection of hepatitis B and C virus and the H-Info 3.0 program.

The systems mentioned use the ICD-10 code system for classifications and forms as have been approved by the Health Minister’s Order #450.

DICOM standards have been introduced in some health care facilities.

At present, other information exchange standards or code systems such as HL7, FHIR, HL-SDA or LOINC are not in use.

Few healthcare facilities are using e-Health software in communication with their attached family health centers exchanging medical documents. However, so far no exchange with or via a central platform is taking place.

Collected medical records in those systems have encountered a number of problems such as usage of patient’s electronic information being used only in a single facility, and in other cases multiple registrations of one patient in one facility in different systems lead to repetition and reduced productivity. Thus, opportunities to strengthen healthcare delivery through the e-health are limited.

IT Systems in Current Use

The following software is currently used in the Mongolian health sector (Primary to tertiary healthcare centers, private and other sectors.)

  1. Health INFO-3.0
  2. E-Health
  5. Mn Obstetrics
  7. MN Cardio
  9. LMIS
  10. //
  12. BLOOD
  13. EWAR
  14. ORVIS
  19. VSSM4.7
  24. OnTime/TowerSoft/
  25. eHospital /MonIT/
  26. MedSoft/MIDPS/
  27. Electronic registration /TITM/

Against this background, the need to standardize on a common language is critical for a functioning e-health ecosystem. In order to realize concrete solutions, however, compliance to these standardized solutions needs to be verified and enforced.

In line with State Policy on Health, the HIEP vision is to steer, enable, facilitate and support the inclusion and effective contribution of all e-Health systems and applications in Mongolia. For a standardised and regulated exchange of medical documents, a compliance specification between the national electronic health record (EHR) and third party systems should be clearly defined.

The HDIT project, as part of the E-Health project, delivers this common language, based on FHIR, with the main delivery being the Implementation Guide (IG).