Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide
1.0.0 - Review

Mongolian HDIT Implementation guide - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

Example of practitioner


Narrative view

Generated Narrative with Details

id: PractitionerExample


identifier: 987654321

active: true

name: Naran Batbold

telecom: ph: +976 74185296

address: 19 Olympic Street 1 khroo, Sükhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar 14241, Mongolia(HOME)

gender: female

birthDate: 1975-10-20


*MD-1122334455MD (Details : {[not stated] code 'MD' = 'MD)28-Mar-2000 00:00:00 --> (ongoing)Generated Summary: id: GovernmentOrganizationExample; 1234567; name: Ministry of Health